Just because you are attending an audio or virtual conference does not mean you can act like you are in the room alone. This means not answering or texting on a phone, not interrupting anyone with background noise, and making sure to stay engaged on the topic at hand. Below are a few tips to make sure your conference call etiquette is in line:
Arrive promptly. Callers will hear a noise every time a new member enters the conference room. If several people dial in late it will cause a distraction.
Give the conference call your undivided attention. Treat a conference call like any other face-to-face meeting by avoiding multitasking.
Try not to schedule your lunch during an audio or web conference. You do not want everyone to know that you are chomping on a turkey sandwich.
Take conference calls from quiet locations. While you might not mind taking a call out in the open, the people around you might not like being forced to listen.
Assume that your line is never muted: this will avoid any embarrassing incidents.
Take turns speaking. Everyone is on the teleconference for one reason or another and everyone will have something to say or ask, so give everyone a turn.
Try to be there for the entirety of the meeting. You might offend or discourage others if they start hearing members dropping out of the call before it is finished.
Making a good impression on a conference call is just as important as when you are face-to-face with your colleagues or clients. If you follow these tips you will avoid making a bad impression and they may even see you as a conferencing guru.