Continually developing new content is a daunting task, especially when you learn that people have different preferences on how to consume your content. We recently created a list of 16 different ways to repurpose your webinar content for future, and new ways to share your subject matter.
Pre-Event Content to Promote Your Upcoming Webinar
Pre-Event Infographic
Tease the audience with stats, mention key items that will be discussed during the webinar. Don’t forget to include a call-to-action (register now!)
Pre-Event Video Promo
Try creating a movie trailer-style video promo/commercial for the webinar. Place the video clip on social media channels, your website and before or after a previous webinar.
Pre-Event Memes
Create a few snapshots of the slide deck, a graphed-out statistic or an eye-catching phrase to promote your webinar on social media.
Pre-Event Presenter Blog
Write a blog about your presenter, introducing them and their credentials to the audience. Promote any blogs or articles they have written in the past and share their social media links.
Post-Event Content to Promote Your OnDemand Webinar
Post-Event Infographic
Follow up the webinar with an infographic displaying the content statistics, numerical responses from the audiences survey/polls, or a step-by-step guide to follow a process introduced during the webinar.
Place the recording of your webinar OnDemand for future viewings in a branded media library.
Post-Event Blog
Write a blog highlighting the discussion, or answering the audience questions.
Create Video Snippets
Crop short clips of your presentation highlighting key points to host on social media.
Presenter Blog
Have your presenter write a follow-up blog providing sources, further reading lists, and elaborating on subjects.
Create an E-Book discussing the content delivered during the webinar.
Repurpose Your Slides
Many attendees request to view the slide deck after the presentation to review or take notes. Share your slides on SlideShare to draw more people to your OnDemand event.
Attendee Testimonials
Collect attendees' comments on the evaluation and email them to those who could not attend the live event. Write a blog, or create memes to promote future viewings of the webinar.
Prepare a Post-Event Exam
Create an exam for the event to deliver to prospective attendees. Ask questions that would be answered in the event, and suggest they attend the event to learn the answers.
Replay Your Webinar
Once your event is delivered, rebroadcast it to a live audience, then join for another live Q&A. This allows fresh questions to be asked, and new analytics for the same event.
Interview the presenter on video or in a written article. Ask them their thoughts on the topic, how they became a subject matter expert and where they believe the industry is going.
Create a Links Page
Create a resource of links to show examples of how an idea presented in the webinar is used outside of the webinar. You can share Case Studies, blogs, articles, and more.
What other ways do you prefer to share your content?