Webinars are a powerful tool. They allow you to combine a brand, person, or an organization’s content or knowledge with a consumer or learner. Taking a step further, once a connection is made, between an organization and a viewer, webinars can provide an interactive and visual medium for the company to deliver their message.
As long as webinars have existed, there have been innovative ways to utilize the technology to match the marketer or organizations’ hosts needs. Today, webinars are being used for eLearning, Sales, Customer Retention, Training, lead generation and branding. Webinars as a marketing tactic is so widely considered a quality source for delivering content that they are increasingly being added to content strategies throughout every industry. In this blog, we’ll look at the how to use webinars for Sales, eLearning, Associations and Customer Service.
Where there was once an
'app for that' we can now say there’s 'a webinar for that'
Webinars for Sales
Creating unique content to move a prospect through the sales funnel is difficult. Its best to put your initial efforts with creating large marketing offers (such as webinars, reports, white papers) then re-purposing slices of that content piece into smaller ‘snackable’ pieces of content (blogs, infographics, memes, etc).
When you create a webinar you can re-purpose it by placing it OnDemand or chopping it into segments or chapters to shape with prospects. The power of video for marketing is led by webinars. Consider adding webinars to your marketing mix to reach new prospects and existing customers.
Webinars for eLearning and Training
Whether you are delivering mandatory Continuing Education or training on a product of service, its best to reach your prospect or student where they are. Most people have busy schedules that cannot be altered to meet your schedule. Having engaging live webinars or educational seminars allows you to share your knowledge/information in a way that is accessible for them.
Many industries have required continuing education for professionals to keep their license to practice, however, with busy schedules, its often difficult to travel to access the classes or presentations. Webinar technology makes it possible for professionals to earn their CE credit from their own desks. Learn more about the future of eLearning webinars here.
Webinars for Associations
Answer your members' and prospects' question ‘what’s in it for me?’ with more than a monthly eNewsletter or discount for group memberships. Members now want to access the networks of their peers, and have knowledge at their fingertips. With webinar technology, you can create an arsenal of OnDemand events for your members (and future members) to access at their convenience.
Creating a quarterly/monthly/weekly webinar series will keep your brand or association in the mind of your members as a resource for accessing the latest knowledge in your industry. Reach out to members to see what topics they would be interested in learning more about or see if they would be interested in participating as webinar presenters to extend the benefit of membership.
Webinars for Customer Service
The immersive nature of webinars is another component of their strength. It is almost as if you’re there in person beside your customer helping them out.
With webinar technology, you have the ability to interact directly with groups of customers with little incremental cost. When you can tailor your webinars to the individual challenges that customers might have, you should keep in mind that if one person needs additional help or training, then it’s likely that others will too. Building an arsenal of customer service webinars provide the end-user an additional resource to find information and for training purposes.
Webinars for Thought Leadership
Thought leadership webinars sometimes seem like a luxury for the average marketer. While presenting your company as a thought leader in the field is certainly a good goal, it often falls behind other marketing goals that are easier to achieve and measure.
Delivering a webinar can do more than boost your image as a thought-leader in your industry, but allows you to build brand awareness for your company, deliver your content, and most importantly, share your knowledge with those interested.
As we've briefly discussed here, there is an extensive benefit for adding webinars to your content strategy. Whether you are delivering virtual events for lead generation, or for professionals to access knowledge, webinars offer you a unique way to engage with someone directly, yet virtually.
Discover the power of webinars to present, educate and deliver information to your audience.