Incorporating Outcome Assessments in Your Webinar

Posted by BeaconLive

The word Learn with a computer mouse attachedWebinars are a highly effective way to deliver continuing medical education programs. They have several advantages including reduced costs, on-demand learning and long-distance interactive e-learning. Webinars are also a highly effective way to collect outcome measurements for CME programs. Most continuing education webinars can be interactive, therefore it is very easy to incorporate pre-tests, post-tests and evaluations into the platform. Each participant can take the pre-test directly prior to the webinar and a post-test and evaluation directly after the webinar.


Comparing the results of these tests can assess learning.  Additionally since each participant registers for the webinar learning can further be assessed at 30 and 60 days or 45 and 90 days or 3 and 6 months to show an enduring retention of information. These tests can be emailed to all participants of the webinar and learning can be illustrated by comparing the results of all four tests. 


Developing appropriate questions for the pre-test and post-tests is critical to assessing outcomes. The questions need to be directly related to the content of the program, learning gaps, learning objectives and developed in concert with the presenter.  When measuring outcomes it is important to refer to the Moore’s levels of outcomes1 as listed below.


Moore’s Outcomes Levels

Level 1: Participation

Level 2: Satisfaction

Level 3: Learning

A. Declarative Knowledge

B: Procedural Knowledge

Level 4: Competence

Level 5: Performance

Level 6: Patient Health

Level 7: Community Health


Level 1 can be addressed using participant numbers.  Level 2, 3A and 3B can be achieved using an evaluation that includes questions pertaining to satisfaction with the program and participants declarative acquisition of knowledge from the program. The outcomes question should also include questions that measure changes learning (level 3A and 3B) and a commitment to changes in competence (Level 4). Case questions can also be used to assess changes in competence (level 4).  Levels 5-6 can also be addressed if you follow up directly with the attendees for more in depth outcomes measurements. 


Related: Ending the Epidemic of Terrible Webinars



Moore DE, Jr., Green JS, Gallis HA. Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities. J Contin Educ Health Prof. Winter 2009;29(1):1-15.


Blog Author: Ruwaida Vakil, MS



Topics: Continuing Education, Continuing Medical Education (CME), Medical & Healthcare, Webinars & Webcasts

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