3 Key Considerations Before You Create Your Next Webinar Series

Posted by BeaconLive

3 Key Considerations for Your Next Webinar SeriesWhether you are building and promoting an upcoming webinar for a one-time event or considering creating a consistent content flow to keep your company in the mind of your customers, there are some fundamental rules to consider in order to create something that's both cohesive and helpful. 


To begin, let's distinguish the differences between a webinar series and a video content library: a webinar series is created with the intent to treat each and every live/recorded event like a book chapter. A large quantity of information is covered and absorbed by your audience in one episode, but to continue acquiring new information and knowledge on the topic, the viewers must progress to the next event--and so on until you reach the end of the series.


A video content library differs in that there's no need to associate one event to another. There's no connection, other than perhaps a common theme or industry. This means you can offer your audience the ability to access all of your video content without any particular order or direction; every event is unique and all-encompassing, making it the best option for the individual looking for a one-off intensive learning experience. 


Regardless of the approach, you decide to take, building a marketing webinar series is becoming the video marketing method of choice across many industries today. But how do you create continuous content to meet the demand of your online marketing strategy? Follow these tips to learn more:

1. Build Your Theme

  • Create a theme for your series that is broad enough to have enough deliverable content for multiple events, but also narrow enough to be manageable and relevant to your target audience. It's a great idea to incorporate insights from thought leaders and social influencers in your industry who have made contributions to the topic in order to keep your content fresh.

  • Use ideas discussed during in-person events or meetings. 

  • Find ideas that are of interest to your target audience in the groups they belong to on LinkedIn. Consider which posts get the most engagement and how can you relate those ideas back to your own content.


2. Build Your Content Offer

  • Provide exclusive content that cannot be found elsewhere. If you are repurposing your white paper into a virtual event, be sure to provide new ideas or statistics during the webinar that you haven't mentioned in the PDF.

  • Bring together multiple thought leaders on the same subject to offer a well-rounded panel discussion, and invite the audience to share their ideas for an interactive event. 

  • Offer more than just an online presentation. Include Q&A, surveys/polls, and other ways to engage the audience. Don't forget to write a blog promoting the results of the surveys, and answering the questions that were asked by the participants during the webinar series.


3. Build on Your Momentum

  • Create an outline or schedule for tasks (promotion, emails, registration completion, tech runs, speaker training) for all future events. 

  • At the end of each event, use an evaluation tool to ask attendees if they have requests for future events that they would like to attend, or if they would be interesting in presenting at an event in the future.

  • Promote your next event at the end of each event.

  • Ask people to sign up for multiple events simultaneously on your registration page, and send event reminders!

  • Work with the Powerpoint template, presentation format, and the same moderator for each event to build consistency in your series.

  • Place your recorded events in a media library for your audience to access OnDemand.

  • Email everyone after the event to provide a recording of the event, and promote the next event in your series.

  • Analyze your promotions, post-event reports, and evaluations to determine what works and what doesn't for future events.

  • Create an online event content calendar, and stick to it! If you plan to do a weekly or monthly event, be consistent so you don't confuse or lose your audience.

What other tips do you have for creating a webinar series?



Topics: Webinars & Webcasts, Webinars: Best Practices, Webinars: Promotion & Planning

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