Client authorizes BeaconLive to appoint (and permit each Subprocessor appointed in accordance with this Section to appoint) Subprocessors. Client expressly agrees that BeaconLive Affiliates may be engaged as Subprocessors, and that BeaconLive may continue to use those other Subprocessors already engaged by BeaconLive as of the date of this Addendum. BeaconLive will make available a current list of BeaconLive Subprocessors at, including the names and a description of the Processing to be undertaken by the Subprocessor, and will update the list prior to adding any additional Subprocessors. Client may subscribe to email notifications of new Subprocessors at [KJ1] BeaconLive will provide notice of new Subprocessors fifteen (15) days prior to authorizing new Subprocessors to Process Personal Data in connection with the Services by updating the Subprocessor list at, and via email notification if Client has subscribed to email notifications about new Subprocessors. Client may object to the appointment of a new Subprocessor by sending written notice to BeaconLive at within ten (10) business days of the notice of new Subprocessors; Client’s notice of objection should state the basis for Client’s objection. Client agrees that it will not unreasonably object to the use of a Subprocessor. If Client does not object to the appointment of the Subprocessor within ten (10) business days, the Client shall be deemed to have approved and agreed to such appointment.
Entity Name |
Services Performed |
Entity Location |
CDNs/Cloud Service Providers and subproccessors
Wowza |
Content Delivery Network |
United States |
NanoStream |
Content Delivery Network |
United States |
Amazon Web Services |
Cloud Services |
United States |
Streamguys |
Content Delivery Network |
United States |
Paypal |
E-commerce |
United States |
Service Subprocessors |
BeaconLive |
Technical support |
United States |